Federal Employee/Retiree Contact Directory
Once you retire, the connection to human resources is gone and it can be intimidating trying to determine who to call for what. The following key contact directory, with links to websites, is everything you need to plan for retirement, manage your annuity and benefits and provide for your survivors in case of your death. Keep this contact information with your important documents.
OPM – Retirees must contact OPM to initiate changes to their benefits, change allotments or direct deposit, report an annuitant’s death, or to obtain duplicate 1099-R tax forms and request other services.
Web Address: https://www.opm.gov/retirement-services or https://www.servicesonline.opm.gov/
E-Mail: retire@opm.gov
Phone: Toll free 1-888-767-6738 (weekdays between 7:40 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time)
Fax: 1-724-794-6633
Note: It is extremely difficult to contact OPM by phone. Try calling either early in the morning (8am EST) or late in the day (4pm EST) to reduce your wait time if you must call. Have your retirement claim number (CSA #) or Social Security number available. For email inquiries, replies typically take 15 days or more. Online access provides your best interactive experience.
On-Line Services: Federal retirees can access online support to add or change allotments (including adjustments for federal and state tax withholding), print duplicate 1099-R statements, and view monthly annuity statements at:
Retirees receive a CSA # and a PIN by mail once OPM receives the retirement application and begins processing it. When the application is finalized, the retiree will receive a claims booklet by mail which includes the CSA # (the PIN will come by separate mailing) which allows access to this site.
FEGLI (1-800-633-4542) Call for life insurance benefits information or to report a death. Death claim form FE-6 is available at www.opm.gov under Forms.
Medicare (1-800-633-4227) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for assistance. Enrollment for Medicare Part A or B is on Social Security website at www.ssa.gov.
Social Security (1-800-772-1213) or visit https://secure.ssa.gov/RIL/SiView.action.
TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) 1-877-968-3778, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST. Website is: http://tsp.gov.
FEHB Programs and Contact Numbers: Call your provider directly, a contact number is printed on your benefits card and in plan brochures.
Federal Records Center: (314) 801-9250, FAX: 314-801-9269. The Federal Records Center is the depository for official personnel folders of persons no longer in the Federal service. Federal agencies, generally transfer employment records to the Federal Records Center thirty days after the employee has been separated from Federal service. No requests for information from personnel or any other type of records will be accepted by telephone or e- mail.
Federal Records Center
National Archives and Records Administration
111 Winnebago Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63118
(314) 801-9250, FAX: 314-801-9269
Email: cpr.center@nara.gov
Inquiries must include your full name under which formerly employed, social security number, date of birth, and to the extent known, former Federal employing agencies, addresses and dates of such employment.

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