We help federal employees maximize
their benefits to retire successfully.

For over 20 years, we’ve created strategies that combine federal benefits with a variety of investment and insurance products to custom suit our clients’ unique needs and objectives.


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Our newsletter articles provide valuable information on timely and interesting financial issues across a variety of subject areas, including retirement, investment, personal finance, annuities, insurance, taxes, college, and government benefits.

Meet The Team

Since 2002, the team at Federal Benefits Made Simple has been working with friends, neighbors and federal employees throughout the greater Denver metropolitan area to help them understand their benefits and how to maximize them for retirement. You’ve worked hard for your retirement income. We can help make it work for you.


We Focus On These Financial Services:

To help develop a financial strategy for your future, it’s important for your financial professional to see a complete, 360-degree view of your financial picture, including how your retirement assets are integrated and work with one another.


The Federal Benefits Made Simple Process

6-steps to put you in control of your retirement. 

Federal Benefits made Simple process

The Federal Benefits Made Simple Process

6-steps to put you in control of your retirement. 

Federal Benefits made Simple process vertical