IRA Transfers & 401(k) Rollovers

We can help you determine if a rollover is the right move for you, and we can help find the best vehicle to help conserve and grow your rollover assets.

IRA & 401(k) Rollovers

When you change jobs or retire, there are four things you can generally do with the assets in any employer-sponsored retirement plan:

  • Leave the money where it is
  • Take the cash (and pay income taxes and perhaps a 10 percent additional federal tax if you are younger than age 59½)
  • Transfer the money to another employer plan (if the new plan allows)
  • Roll the money over into an IRA

A possible advantage for rolling funds from a prior employer sponsored plan to a plan with your current employer is the ability for continued contributions, and potential in-service withdrawals or loans **(depending on the company/ plan rules) and fund availability, but not continued growth. you cannot guarantee continued growth.

After terminating from an employer you cannot contribute additional funds, but you may be allowed to reallocate existing funds.

If you decide to cash out of an IRA, we can help you find suitable vehicles to help you reach your retirement income goals.

Strategies for Financial Independence

When you are ready, here's what to do next. There are three ways we can help you:

1. Sign up for a Federal Benefits Analysis
2. Sign up for a seminar
3. Call or email to schedule your complimentary consultation


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It can be difficult to make financial decisions without access to information. If you have questions or concerns about your current retirement strategy, feel free to contact us using the form below.

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